Care groups

Care groups are smaller gatherings of believers outside of the larger worship service. It consists of fellowship, worship, and studying God’s word together. It is a great time to get to know people better outside of church.

Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible study is designed to be a time in which the men of the church gather together to study a particular topic or book of the Bible. It is to help the men encourage one another in the faith and to build each other up to be better disciples of Jesus Christ.

Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study is a time of fellowship, study, and discussion. It is designed to be a time in which women can encourage each other and build up one another to be better disciples of Jesus Christ.

Young Adults

Young Adults study is designed for high school seniors to early thirties. It is a time of a meal, study, and discussion where we jump into the Word of God seeking to know God more.

Shared Meal

Shared meal takes place every Sunday from the months of September through May (except holidays). Everyone from the church cooks a dish and brings it to church. It is a great time to get to know one another better over a meal. Please join us this Sunday.